Best Mobile Plan / Sim Card in France – September Update

We have been in France for more than a year. I have changed at least 3 times of my sim card with different service provider in France. And

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7 Easy Tips to Overcome Language Barrier When Travelling

Travelling overseas is definitely an exciting moment. But what if you travel to countries that English is not their main language.Especially when you do not understand the conversations

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Things You Should About Summer Sales in Paris and France Where to go shopping

Summer Sales in coming! France’s summer sales in 2017 starts from 28th June 2017 until the 8th August 2017.I tell you, the sales is really crazy sales! Typically,

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7 Things You Need To Know Before Going To Amsterdam ( And How did the XXX come about)

​Amsterdam is an amazing city that combines both canals and bridges in their infrastructure. It has a fascinating history and culture with several monuments and museums. Here are

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11 Things You Didn’t Know About Netherlands (Guess what is their income tax % ?)

We got interested in Netherlands and did some googling. Found out these interesting facts and Things about Netherlands. At 17 Million population, they are one of the most

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How to get from Paris to Colmar (Drive or Train?)

If you have already visited Paris many times; It's time to visit places out of Paris. Well, Colmar will be 1 attracting place to visit. But how do

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What to Wear for Winter Travel (Part 2) – And where to get cheap Heat Packs Jeans, Boots, Socks, Gloves..

Following our previous post on what to wear for Winter Travel, here's part 2 of What to Wear during Your Winter Travel.Bottom WearTights or Leggings Similar to the Top

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What to Wear for Winter Travel (Part 1) Headwear, Scarf, Clothes, Jacket...

After our Berlin Trip, I realized that adequate packing for Winter Travel is so important.During our trip to Berlin, we had to buy better Gloves, Snow Cap, Additional

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Avoid these Scams when Travelling Better be Safe than Sorry

Usually during the National Day period, a lot of Singaporeans will be travelling. Because WE NEVER TIO THE TICKETS!​ So no choice, a fair bit of Singaporeans will travel

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